
  • 国际标准期刊号: 1989-8436
  • 期刊 h 指数: 22
  • 期刊引用分数: 7.55
  • 期刊影响因子: 6.38
  • 打开 J 门
  • Genamics 期刊搜索
  • 全球影响因子 (GIF)
  • 开放档案倡议
  • 中国知网(CNKI)
  • 研究期刊索引目录 (DRJI)
  • OCLC-WorldCat
  • 普罗奎斯特传票
  • 普布隆斯
  • 米亚尔
  • 大学教育资助委员会
  • 日内瓦医学教育与研究基金会
  • 谷歌学术
  • Scimago期刊排名
  • 秘密搜索引擎实验室
  • 研究之门


The Corona Virus Problem Via Linear Time-Equation

Emanuel Gluskin*

Besides the visual heuristic side, our research of the Corona Virus Problem includes the line of physics considerations and the equational line. The present work is merely devoted to the latter line. It appears that some proposed special covering of some of the Corona Virus molecules, which is purposed to cause an antagonism between these molecules and those uncovered, leads to turning a nonlinear balance equation into a linear time-variant one (which the physicists sometime call "parametric equation").