Palesa Phalafala, Dimitri Liakos, Viwe Nogaga and Chrysis Sofianos
The current case report will focus on the key factors that influence the revascularization of a hand. Emphasis will be placed on microsurgery, timing factors and intraoperative factors as well as postoperative factors.
The principles of microsurgery in the paediatric patient compared to that of the adult are still the same. Paediatric patients do pose an advantage of having no/ fewer comorbidities. It has been shown they have a high capacity of regeneration; however paediatric patients do come with their challenges such as the size and diameter of the vessels.
This case presentation will focus on a 6-year-old male child’s dominant hand revascularization, from onset of injury to rehabilitation phase. Timing is crucial, as if not picked up early enough it is associated with morbidity and mortality. We also look at the successful outcome of the revascularization surgery in the paediatric patient.