
  • 国际标准期刊号: 1108-7366
  • 期刊 h 指数: 51
  • 期刊引用分数: 10.69
  • 期刊影响因子: 9.13
  • Genamics 期刊搜索
  • 中国知网(CNKI)
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  • 秘密搜索引擎实验室


Environmental Health Impacts Challenges and Strategies for Improvement

Nikos Seferis

Environmental health is a multidisciplinary field that focuses on the interactions between the environment and human health. This article reviews the major environmental health issues, including air and water pollution, chemical exposures, and climate change, and their impacts on public health. It explores current challenges, discusses the effectiveness of existing strategies, and proposes new approaches for improving environmental health outcomes. This review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how environmental factors influence health and to identify actionable steps for mitigating risks.