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Comparative Destructive Effect of Waterborne Zinc Nanoparticles and Zinc sulfate on Capoeta capoeta gracilis Hematological Indices

Zohre Soltani, Rasool Ghorbani, Seyed Aliakbar Hedayati, Hamed Ghafari Farsani, Mohammad Hasan Gerami*

This study aimed to investigate the disruptive effect of Zinc nanoparticles and Zinc sulfate on the hematological indices of Capoeta capoeta gracilis and comparing the severity of two forms of this metal. For this purpose, 70 species of C. capoeta gracilis with 15±3.5 gr mean weight, were exposed for 14 days to sublethal toxicity of 5, 20 and 200 ppm toxicant concentration and one control group (no toxicant), both for zinc sulfate and zinc nanoparticles treatments with three replicate. There were no significant differences between aquariums in water quality and the following were constant: pH: 7.56 ± 0.45 (TS1); temperature: 19 ± 1°C; hardness: 293 ± 2.35 ppm and dissolved oxygen: 7.80 ± 1 mg L-1. Blood samples were taken after 14 days exposure for both nano and sulfate group. At the end of the experiment, a slight decrease trend in hematocrit, RBC, MCHC and hemoglobin observed when toxicant concentration increased in treatment tanks. In addition, Along with the decline of these parameters, MCV and MCH both increased in blood samples. Differences between nano and sulfate group was significant in 5 and 20 ppm concentration for hematocrit and RBC, and all concentrations for hemoglobin and MCHC. Furthermore, analysis of WBC showed that this parameter increased by concentration both in nano and sulfate group. Changes in WBC were significantly different between groups and zinc sulfate caused more tissue damage than nano zinc. In conclusion, this study showed that the severity of destructive effect on hematological indices were less in nano group. However, the mechanism of these changes in destructive effect is not recognized and needs further studies.

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